Hot Seat News is a news website focusing on global news with a base in the United States. Our goal is to bring together independent journalists worldwide and provide them a platform to report honestly and without fear or favor. We encourage our reporters to be bold and open about their opinions.
Rafiki News focuses on Kenyan news relevant to the Kenyans in the motherland and the diaspora. Our reporters look for high-impact news stories and uplifting feature stories about Kenya. Our goal is to highlight stories beyond the usual political stories that dominate the Kenya media and provide our readers with in-depth reporting on matters of their interest. focuses on entertainment news about the city of Kisumu in western Kenya. Kisumu, the 3rd largest city in Kenya, is unique because of its proximity to Lake Victoria, the 3rd largest freshwater lake in the world, a hotbed for Kenyan politics, and the home of popular ohangla music.